Thursday, March 5, 2009

Emily Elizabeth couch birth story

Deciding to have a second baby was easy we had one and we knew we wanted atleast two so with this being my second pregnancy I expected much of the same, the morning sickness, the constipation, and a fastly growing baby. At 36 weeks they sent me in for a high risk ultrasound to determine approximate weight. Not to too much surprise our Emily Elizabeth Couch already weighed 8lbs. So at 37 weeks along they scheduled me for an induction or I could wait until full term and have a c-section. We chose the induction. Hoping since Jacob arrived so quickly she would follow her brother. The night before , we went out to a restraunt that we had our wedding rehearsal dinner at with friends the Antepara's. I ordered a big steak since I was going to be NPO in the morning. Well unlike with Jacob I made it to my induction date it had arrived, we left early in the morning to the hospital. Did paperwork, started my IV, and got settled. I had no progression at 37wks so this was going to be a long day. They started a slow pitocin drip around 8am and had me walk the halls and lay in different positions by noon there was no progression. The day was lingering slowly but i know my body and when it is time you better be ready because it will be time so they uped the pitocin a little more and kept me walking.

 By one o'clock the contractions finally started coming hard. I decided to get my epidural. Jacobs birth was strong hard and very fast. As it went from from 3cm-10cm in an hour with him I knew it was coming and so did the nurse. By 5pm it was time to push two times and emily was born at 5:29pm. I remember being numb for the next 4-5 hrs, could not move without assistance. Did not like the feeling But knew David needed to go be with Jacob for the night.
So with Emily being born three weeks early she was very jaundice and was developing cradle cap. We took her back several times to have blood drawn and ended up following up with a pediatric dermatologist reevaluating her skin condition. Otherwise she was a healthy beautiful baby girl. Even though being induced was not in my play book it was allowing me to do most of the birthing as opposed to the c-section option. And gave me some comfort that Jacob would be cared for.

Emily Elizabeth Couch
March, 5, 2009
8lbs 6ozs

My daddy never meet our little angel but I know he knew her first, and he was with us through it all.