Monday, September 27, 2010

Iron Chef Supper Club

So, this month was our month to host supper club we chose the theme Iron Chef which is a show on Food Network where they must make there dishes using a secret ingredient. As our secret ingredient we chose Cinnamon. We really wanted to get in the fall spirit so we chose something that we tend to stuff in the back of the spices during the summer. On September 25 at 6:30 everyone arrived at our house with there cinnamon dishes. We made a cinnamon pork loin and citrus cinnamon punch, there was a rice dish, carrots, and a casserole and for desert coffee cinnamon swirl ice cream (homemade) and cinnamon brittle. We voted on the best dish which was of course the cinnamon ice cream, it was amazing!
After dinner we played minute to win it. David has really caught on to this show and the challenges are really easy to duplicate at home. I think everyone had a great time the games really brought some good laughs. There was apple stacking, ping pong ball in shot glass, Oreo to mouth, cup stacking, paper dragon, egg on light bulb, yo yo with cups, and tissue box game. The pictures definitely bring back much laughter. Thanks to everybody for comming we had a great night.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Skidaway Island, GA

Our Labor Day camping adventure was to Skidaway Island, Ga.
We left Thursday with a tired daddy and Emily on breathing treatments and steroids for a lung infection. We arrived late Thursday afternoon set up camp. There was only a few other campers around we knew that was soon to change. Thursday night was all in all a nightmare, the kids were both overly tired but could not sleep and Emily was not feeling well and was wired due to her Albuterol treatments. Friday morning we woke up VERY tired but were hoping for a better day.

On a great note Jacob has been doing awesome on his tricycle in hopes for a new bike in the near future, so many kids riding bikes at the campgrounds really encourages him.

We took the kids on there first hike and came across a few interesting things, first a skull to some kind of animal and tons and tons of Fiddler Crabs. Being too excited to take their naps that afternoon we put them in the car and drove 30 minutes to Savannah.
Took a beautiful walk in downtown Savannah. The kids had there first bite of fresh Taffy, Gelato, and a souvenir toy.

Needless to say we wore them out so they slept great that night! Saturday morning the campground was filling up so we took a bike ride to check out all of the awesome campers around, then loaded up and headed to Tybee Island, GA.
Absolutely beautiful took the kids to an awesome park, had lunch on their pier, and went swimming in the biggest waves I have ever seen in person! By then the trip had definitely turned around from talking of going home early to having a blast. Our last stop was a hayride the campground was offering for Labor Day and the Interpretive center, where we bird watched and Jacob got to hold a baby turtle and pet a flying squirrel. I love camping as a family and the memories we make.