This year for Halloween we headed to Bartram Springs for our Trick or Treating to Toni and Eddie Ponce's house. This is Michael's sister's house. They have had us every year so it is kind of becomming a great tradition everyone loves having the kids around. All the neighbors decorate and sit outside to pass out candy and it is a closed in neighborhood so it is perfect for trick or treating. We took our wagon knowing the kids would get tired of walking so we had decided to let Emily do every other house.
Well that was not going to work every house she climbed out of the wagon dragging her very full bag of candy and went running to the door. She loved running up she took off her minie mouse shoes after about house 2! Jacob on the other hand was like a pro looking for houses with lights on, ringing door bells, and saying thank you. All together it was a great night had by all when we were done we put the kids in there P.J.'s thinking they would sleep in the car but nope got home and all they wanted to do was dump out there candy!