Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

This Christmas I really wanted to focus on the season and lots of fun things to do around town. The last few years we have started our Christmas season with the boat light parade downtown followed by an amazing fireworks show. We continued this tradition this year we packed dinner, chairs, blankets, and met lots of friends in our annual spot and camped out from around 5pm until after 10 for the fireworks show. It is an amazing way to start the holidays.
The next three weeks before Christmas consisted of St.Augustine night of lights and dinner also becoming an annual tradition that we do at the beginning of December before it gets too busy now that the kids are getting older outings like this are so relaxing for everyone. 
Next stop we were invited by some amazing friends to join there church on a hayride through riverside to view the luminaries it was so much FUN!! Kids had fun throwing marshmallows and candy at people and shooting the marshmallow gun. We are blessed with amazing friends!
Picture it Saturday night in December at the lake with more food and goodies than your belly can hold, Santa, white elephant gifts, and hay ride singing Christmas carols. Yep you guessed it the annual  lake Christmas party. It's great watching my moms family grow every year by so many. We used to have the party on Christmas eve until my moms aunt moved out to the lake house now it's a little far for Christmas eve. Jacob and I took some time to walk to my parents lake property next door where we have been working so hard to get it cleaned up and to our surprise the water was up so far!
The week before Christmas David was pretty sick and trying to rest at the house so the first day I kept the kids busy baking all of our goodies to pack up to take to zone 3 police officers. The next day they were starting to go crazy so we packed up and headed to the town center we shopped for Christmas PJs, rode the train, and even stopped in to see what Santa was up to. Jacob is starting to understand and ask questions about Santa but I really think he likes the excitement of believing. 
Our biggest Christmas excitement this year was both kids were in the Christmas play this year. It was actually a Christmas musical and was so funny. Jacob was a Shepard and Lu was a bee. Yes a bee as in a barnyard animal who's to say there was not bees when Jesus was born? They both were amazing. 

Christmas day came with lots of excitement as usual kids wanted lots of out door stuff this year so they got bikes, scooters, and skateboards. We had a big lunch at our house and then visited my dads family. All in all a great time with the family celebrating our Saviors birth!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Walt Disney World September 2012

Finally back home our longest vacation in  a while 10 days. We are pretty much experts in our Disney vacation planning now. Nothing but the best restraunts, shows, and itinerary's. Yes, I make us an itinerary to make sure we cover max amount of activities without hopping all around. Oh and nap time is on there also. Yes, usually about two hrs when we are there, enough to get rested to party late. I get asked about restraunts and shows a lot we book our reservations 180 days in advance that way you get the best times and you are sure to get every where you want.
My top picks Cinderella's castle, Chef Mickey's for breakfast, Via Napoli ( Italian in Epcot), the Hoop Dee Do Revue ( Fort Wilderness), horse and carriage ride at the campground,  Jedi training at Hollywood Studios (FREE), Chip n' Dale campfire singalong, the Trail's end buffet and the bakery on Magic Kingdom's main street.
Our least favorites that we have tried in the past the Luau at the Polynesian (bad food, bad seating, and not interesting), the  backyard barbecue with Mickey and Minnie fun but not worth the money and the Mary Poppins breakfast at the Grand Floridian it was just O.K.
We always get the dining plan. If you stay on sight you have the option to buy all your meals ahead of time and save 30%, so this allows us to go to some of the more expensive places. Our bill at Via Napoli was $150!!!! OUCH! That's where the dining plan comes in you pay one price per day and eat where you want to. We each received a snack, a fast food, and a sit down dinner a day. And I did not have to cook all week!
Our first day we did Hollywood Studios Jedi training. This is where the kids get to learn how to use a light saber on stage and afterwards get to fight Darth Vader up on stage in front of the crowd. You have to get there early to sign up. So when the park opens David and Lu run to get fast passes to Toy Story and Jacob and I run to sign up! Its a mad dash but the kids get so excited about it! That evening we had dinner at Via Napoli and our waiter surprisingly was from Naples! The food is amazing and just what we have in Italy. The waiter made Jacob count to 10 in Italian for his dessert. We always bring a little something for the kids to keep them busy at dinner so we can enjoy our time and not have to rush. Afterwards we only had an hour before the park closed so we split up and Jacob and David went to Spaceship earth and Lu and I went to Nemo! But little did the boys know we snuck over to Soarin afterwards and Lu was tall enough!! I just told her we were going on a little ride, little did I know how awesome it was going to be and how great she did on such a big kid ride! She loved it!
Day two was Magic Kingdom and then dining with the Princess's in the castle. The park was so empty 5-10 minute waits if that. After naps we got our princess and pirate all dressed up and headed to the castle. I always love the atmosphere there they really do there best to make it memorable, First you meet Cinderella and get your photo taken (and its actually included in the price of dinner). Then you take the elevator up and are seated. The princess's make their grand entrance and there is a sword and magic wand on the table waiting (even one for mom and dad). You meet Belle, Snow White, Aerial, and Sleeping Beauty while you dine. Good way to not wait in hot lines to meet them. Good tip though if you get to the park at 9am go straight to the right, you can meet all the princesses and Mickey and Minnie in just a few minutes there is never a line in the morning.
Day Three was breakfast with Chef Mickey I had heard great things about this restraunt and it was great. It's a  buffet which is so yummy and you meet Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, Pluto, and Daisy! And then it was off to Magic Kingdom to ride the rides we had missed the day before. We get to go on Splash Mountain as a family now. Although Lu still is not sure about the big "bump". This time we made it through the bump then the ride stopped, then it started to rain. So we had to be rescued off the ride and escorted behind the scenes and that point we figured it was time to take a good nap in the camper in the rain.
We have a great tradition when we leave the Magic Kingdom, you know that rush of people that are racing for the boats and monorail to leave after fire works? Well since we have had our naps and are not in a rush to get back, we make a stop at the Main Street bakery. Sit down relax and eat something really yummy while we watch everybody else filing out all at once. It gives us a chance to reflect on our day and our next day and savor in something sweet! ( on your way out its on the left side of the street).
My family has been going to the Hoop De Do Reevue for a few years now. Amazing food and amazing entertainment. One time we set right in front of the stage so cool, with kids I always feel that it is better to pay more for better seats so they get the most out of it.
If you are looking for just a great buffet ( no characters) the Trails End Restraunt is such a good buffet! Once again they take reservations so make them so you get a good time. They also have little games out front to keep the kids busy while waiting for dinner. Afterwards it's always nice to catch the Chip n Dale Campfire Singalong.
Other catches we always do the light parade at Magic Kingdom the day time one is just too hot ( I think it's at 2?). Fireworks at both Epcot and Magic Kingdom.
I think some of our best family memories have been on our yearly vacation to Disney World. Once the kids know what you expect of them at a theme park and as long as you go with the flow AND prepare it can be a great trip!!