Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fellowship of Home School Companions

          What a great first year in our new home school group. We joined FHC to find good community for our family as we ventured off on our second year of homeschooling. It was a new group so I expected a few gliches people coming and going and bumps along the road. Well here we are at the end of the year and our co-op ran like an amazing well oiled machine! 

The kids and I made incredible connections with the moms and kids of our group. We are an elementary aged christian group. We attend class every Thursday we say pledges, sing, dance, read, and art. Jacob just finished taking a science class and loved it (what boy at 4 does not like Science?). And as for Emily she did an alphabet class covering the whole alphabet from A-Z! 

We did lots of field trips which covered farms, candy making, trad's, fire stations, Lego land, pool days, art days, lots of class parties, the MOSH, the Cummer, and the zoo.

Diamond D Horse Ranch

The Fire Station

Connors Amazing Acres

Pete's Candy Cane making

Lego Land

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Karate kid Jacob

Jacob's first experience with karate. We have heard amazing things about what karate can do for a child through consistent discipline. So we decided to see what it could offer for Jacob. Our friends and spiritual mentors the Driscoll family lead us to Karate America from previous experience with there own son. We got in under a great special 6 weeks for $69. Which we were going to use as a great trial for a time for Jacob to discover if this is something he has a passion for. Our first consultation they greeted us at the door by our names and approached Jacob and shook his hand asked him if he was ready and lead us to a place to fill out paper work and first spoke with me about what I wanted to get out of this for Jacob and then personally addressed Jacob about what there expectations were of him not only there at the gym but when he is at home the proper respect to show his parents, family , and friends. We were returning the next day for his actual class but he wanted to stay and watch the older class. He kept smiling when they would do something really cool.

 The next day he was ready for his turn at it, he was nervous but walked out there like a champ. Was given his spot and was afraid to move from it! They learned some stances, splits, had to run 7 laps, and do 22 push ups. His daddy and I were there watching the whole time and had a good feeling about his future fun there:)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

He has Risen! Yes, he has risen indeed!

What a glorious Easter Sunday! Friends, family, and lots of good weather and great food. This year we had our first Easter at the Delcharco's.
 Easter at the Delcharco's was relaxing the kids love to play there with cousins. As soon as we arrived the kids ripped off there Easter clothes and put on comfy PJs. Annie organized an Easter egg hunt and hid the eggs for the kids.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Clay County Fair

      For the second year in a row our family attended the Clay county fair. My awesome uncle got us free admission! Last year we enjoyed the livestock and a few rides. This year was a whole different story!

     Emily was tall enough to ride almost every ride ( she was 115% for height at her three year well child). So we bought the arm bands with unlimited riding. The kids had a blast they rode roller coasters, race cars, spinning apples, merry -go-round, and so much more. I dont need to tell you how much fun they had the pictures will tell you that!

     The livestock was a little more exciting this year. The biggest reason was we now have chicks of our own so it was neat to see there chicks and chickens and wondering what ours will look like when they grow.

      The fair is not the fair without "fair" food. We had sausage dogs and really BIG corn dogs with fries covered in cheese  for dinner. We started a little tradition last year where before we leave we all get to pick a fair treat. David had an oreo blizzard, Jacob had cotton candy, Lu had ice cream cone, and I had a chocolate dipped cone. Then there was the upset stomachs of everyone afterwards:)

All in all what a great family time!