This Christmas I really wanted to focus on the season and lots of fun things to do around town. The last few years we have started our Christmas season with the boat light parade downtown followed by an amazing fireworks show. We continued this tradition this year we packed dinner, chairs, blankets, and met lots of friends in our annual spot and camped out from around 5pm until after 10 for the fireworks show. It is an amazing way to start the holidays.
The next three weeks before Christmas consisted of St.Augustine night of lights and dinner also becoming an annual tradition that we do at the beginning of December before it gets too busy now that the kids are getting older outings like this are so relaxing for everyone.
Next stop we were invited by some amazing friends to join there church on a hayride through riverside to view the luminaries it was so much FUN!! Kids had fun throwing marshmallows and candy at people and shooting the marshmallow gun. We are blessed with amazing friends!

Picture it Saturday night in December at the lake with more food and goodies than your belly can hold, Santa, white elephant gifts, and hay ride singing Christmas carols. Yep you guessed it the annual lake Christmas party. It's great watching my moms family grow every year by so many. We used to have the party on Christmas eve until my moms aunt moved out to the lake house now it's a little far for Christmas eve. Jacob and I took some time to walk to my parents lake property next door where we have been working so hard to get it cleaned up and to our surprise the water was up so far!
The week before Christmas David was pretty sick and trying to rest at the house so the first day I kept the kids busy baking all of our goodies to pack up to take to zone 3 police officers. The next day they were starting to go crazy so we packed up and headed to the town center we shopped for Christmas PJs, rode the train, and even stopped in to see what Santa was up to. Jacob is starting to understand and ask questions about Santa but I really think he likes the excitement of believing.

Our biggest Christmas excitement this year was both kids were in the Christmas play this year. It was actually a Christmas musical and was so funny. Jacob was a Shepard and Lu was a bee. Yes a bee as in a barnyard animal who's to say there was not bees when Jesus was born? They both were amazing.
Christmas day came with lots of excitement as usual kids wanted lots of out door stuff this year so they got bikes, scooters, and skateboards. We had a big lunch at our house and then visited my dads family. All in all a great time with the family celebrating our Saviors birth!