It was finally the day, we had an appointment with Dr. Rebenack to ultrasound me to make sure we had a healthy heartbeat. It was afternoon as we strolled in, the office staff was happy to see us back as just a few months ago they embraced us as we found out our baby had passed away. Now I lay on the same exact table with the same exact ultrasound machine. Praying the prayer over and over just want to see that heartbeat God please just that.
I brace myself for I have had many experiences on this same table I have lost two babies and found out I was welcoming a baby boy right here and discovered a little girl right here. It's time, David moves closer, the doctor says his usual "Lets take a peek". Staring at the monitor my eyes are fuzzy and it seems to be taking a little longer than I remember to find the heart beat and then the words I had been waiting for "There is one healthy heartbeat and then seconds after there is two healthy heartbeats". I assume he is joking until I see the biggest smile on the nurses face that tells me its all true. David bursts out giggling and proclaiming he knew it all the time. I'm quite and in total shock the doctor is still scanning so maybe he is not sure. He asks if I am ok and I told him I am just waiting for him to confirm before I react and he laughed and said "theres two alright".

He points out our two 7 week gestation babies and sure enough there are not ONE but TWO healthy heartbeats. Both measuring exactly 7 weeks. My God sure answered my prayer and up'd it one!
We are given a moment together as David helped me off the table every time we looked at each other we could not stop giggling. We moved to another room so we could discuss the ultrasound.
I spent all this time worrying about not miscarriaging now I really felt I had more worries. The doctor explained of course the dangers of twin pregnancies, we discussed there births, I was really beginning to understand that I knew nothing about twins.
And then he did have a concern during the ultrasound it looked as though the babies were sharing the same sac. What does that mean? If the babies are sharing the same sac there is a greater chance of them becoming entangled with each others umbilical cord and these babies usually need to be delivered very early because it is safer for them to live outside the womb then inside. The Dr did not see the membrane separating them clearly enough.
Seeing that my doctor is incredibly awesome and has been through everything with us he was on the phone within minutes to get me in the next morning at a high risk doctor who he wanted to follow us. Our apt is at 8am tomorrow, there he will ultrasound again with a much more powerful ultrasound. Until then WOW we have a lot to praise God for and we will not dwell on this factor right now because God wants us to feel the love he has poured into our hearts.
This was our announcement! I guess we need to redo our math now! |