Feeling more pregnant than ever before! My belly measured at 33 weeks today. Having lots of erratic contractions now, back pain, rib pain, swelling feet, and just tired. Today's appointment went great.
Today's stats were
Olivia was
2lbs14 ozs
Same position for the last few weeks head up.
She has become the more calmer mover of the two.
Finally had her hands down away from her face.
Heart beat in the 150's.
Sadie was
2lbs 13 ozs
She is in a more of an I am taking over the womb position completely squashing Olivia to the side and laying a little horizontal with her bottom squashed against Olivia's face:)
She has become the more active mover.
Heartbeat in the 150's.
All of that very good news the fact that their weight's are steadily maintaining consistency is the greatest news of all! My cervix is what they are calling a 42 week cervix:)) Which they are very happy about but the doctor promises that I will not be a loud to carry them that long. All that to say I should be having no preterm labor. At thirty weeks I begin seeing the specialist twice a week, Tuesdays for an ultrasound and stress test and Fridays for another stress test. We scheduled nine of my appointments today. We have never been to the doctor so much!
It's getting so real seeing as at my appointments we are discussing the last few weeks more often now. methods of delivery for twins and such. Our baby shower is this Saturday and Lu and I are super excited for that. The nursery is put together for the most part ( I will have a post to show that later).
I am back to the doctor again tomorrow to take my glucose test. Praying for good results I hear a lot of twin pregnancies fail the first part.