Wednesday, August 14, 2013

33 Weeks

    Can't believe I have come so far!! This has been the hardest thing I have ever done physically. So what has helped me get this far? Well hands down my husband David, he has taken on so much. He has been doing the cooking, cleaning, entertaining the kids when he is not working, grocery shopping and just keeping the house running. I could not have asked for a more awesome man who was willing to step up and take on so much. Secondly, my mother. She has taken the kids so much not just for hours of doctors appointments sometimes three or four hours in a day but just so I can have days of rest for no other reason. I know that when I leave the kids with her they are going to be taken well care of , their needs will be met and they will have fun but also that she will keep their behavior well in check and the house running as if I were around. I am amazed at all she does for us and I hope she knows I am thankful because I need the help now more than ever.
  So as for the babies

Head down
Stretched out on my left side
Heart beat in the 150's
Weight as of 32 weeks 4.4lbs

Head down
Balled up on my right side (trying to keep from getting hit by her sister)
Heart beat in the 150's
Weight as of 32 weeks 3.14lbs

As for me
Weight is 170lbs
Belly measuring 41 weeks
Minimal swelling
Great blood Pressure

We got to discuss the birth plan this week!!
Both babies are head down so we are a go for a vaginal birth as long as the health of the babies continues. If we have not delivered by 37 weeks which is full term for Mono Di twins (sharing one placenta) we will be induced on September 10th. We are being monitored a lot for twin to twin syndrome. We go on Tuesdays for a non-stress test, an ultrasound for fluid check and movement check, and meet with the maternal fetal medicine doctor, and our OB. On Fridays we are seen again for the non-stress test and movement ultrasound and we meet with the Maternal fetal doctor again.
With mono-di twins things could change in hours so that is why they monitor us very closely and if at any test the babies show stress we will be sent over to the hospital for an emergency c-section.

I am hanging on the best I can as of now my back, feet, and ribs hurt the most. My appetite is pretty much non- existent so I am trying to do more shakes with protein to pack on some weight to these girls.
As of now I could pretty much go any day anytime. The average for a twin pregnancy is 33-36 weeks for natural labor. So I am ready to go!!