Monday, August 16, 2010

Jacob to Preschool or not

Seems like since Jacob came out of the birth canal we have been worried about sending him off to school. You feel pressured by everyone around you starting to sign there kid up for preschool and don't want your kid to be left behind. So we did just that (because everybody else was) signed him up for a great preschool I made charts and talked to lots of moms in the area and decided on one. About three weeks before his first day I looked him in the eyes and thought what are we doing? We are home so why would we send Jacob for someone else to care for him.

Why can't we do everything they can do? I mean we are his parents the best ones for the job right? So I called the school that day and told them that they can give his spot to someone else who needed it. I immediately begin to research what he should be learning, what he should be doing daily, and what we should be spending our free time doing. Luckily I have lots of support to show me the way and answer the bazillion questions I have.
So I collected some things for us to use for school to make it fun and exciting. On day one I took his cute little school picture (in his P.Js of course), we started our day with what else but a great donut breakfast.

We now fill our days with field trips, craft time, music time, learning to recognize our letters, our numbers, sorting, counting, computer games, reading time, and of course playtime.

The greatness is we all do it together and half the time its so fun he does not even realize it's learning time!

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