Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our not so fun Thanksgiving

It was kind of like a whirlwind a Thanksgiving we will definitely never forget. About a week before Thanksgiving Jacob and Emily both had flu like symptoms but recovered fast it was not long before David got the same symptoms so we assumed that he would get over it fast but by Thanksgiving morning David had a fever for several days that we could not get rid of. We took him to the hospital where we found out he had a tonsiular abcess with a bad infection. Unfortunately I was already scheduled to work the day so I got my mom to manage to take two kids all day to Palatka to my aunts house, thank God for her!

David had already been hospitalized for this same thing about four years ago and found him self in the same situation again being hospitalized until the Saturday night following Thanksgiving. And then being told that as soon as the infection cleared he would need a tonsillectomy:(

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