Our first stop was making fire Jacob had to pull on the rope to blow on the fire he did great and earned his denaro.
David and Jacob in time out.
We got to tour the kings house, and then the soldiers living corridors. We were mostly impressed with the sugar cane weaving as we as a family weaved it through to make a wall.
We also made candles as it was such a way of life for them. We dipped them and let them dry and got to bring them home.
Jacob was the soldier who had to watch over the kings house. Notice the chair it only has two legs to make sure you stay awake during watch!
We even learned how they drilled holes!!
We also played lots of games.
Emily was our cook in the new land. It was perfect for her crushing corn and scooping it for all of us.
Sphere throwing.
Finally we got to meet the tribe leader Sr. Shrinksalot.
Making a fishing net.
Our Tribe tattoos
What a great family day! Not only did the kids learn a lot but so did we. The kids got to each buy a little something with the Denaro's they earned. We ended the afternoon with a picnic on the bay in front of the fort.