Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Family Photo Shoot

         Wow! It's really 2012? Here we are married almost 9 years Jacob almost 5 Emily almost 3. We just cannot wrap our heads around the blessings our family has received just already this year.

      Half way through our second year of homeschooling we are apart of an amazing co-op Fellowship of Homeschool Companions .We meet one day a week for classes Jacob is taking a science class where he is learning things I know I did not learn until at least late Elemantary school and Lu is studying her alphabet with her "friends". She always asks " are we going to see my friends?" she has progressed so much in the past month with everything she has learned. Not only are these families class mates but they are there for support and guidance as we all go down this amazing path God has blessed us with of homeschooling our children. I really cannot see doing this schooling thing any other way.

     Jacob has been given a wealth of knowledge this year from the beginning learning his sounds to putting them together and now reading words and beginning sentences. His handwriting from last year to this year is awesome and the science that we get to dive into together is so much fun ( daddy likes to get his hands in on that too) . Jacob loves to " get it right" he strives for excellence and when I get to share that joy of him "getting it right" it makes it all worth it.
    We have been pondering putting the kids in extra activities but when I see the joy when they are playing in the backyard together or we get to go on lots of field trips and we have no agenda no schedule I know that those things will come and for right now we are just going to enjoy each other.

David has now been with JSO for 6 years now and I am working PRN at Mayo Clinic which gives me a lot more time at home with the kids doing what I love. David and I will be married 9 years this year our love has grown tremendously from just a couple who knew each other 40 days before they were engaged I knew right away he was the one for me and there has not been one day of our marriage which made me think any diffrent. The kids yearn for there father when he is not around they enjoy jumping on the beds, tickling, and ruff housing until someone gets hurt ! We are truly blessed with an amazing 50-50 marriage! 


  1. Glad you are getting caught up! I've enjoyed reading your new posts!

  2. I figured out how to update the software loading the pictures is so much easier know!

  3. Jacob really loves learning in Science class. You can see his face light up when he learns something new. It's very sweet!
