Tuesday, March 19, 2013

12 week measurements

Seems like we are at the doctor every other week these days. Oh yeah it's because we are!
Today we went for our 12 week evaluation. They did measurements of each babies size, there necks, and we got to count toes and fingers!
All the measurements were right on and there was no sign of any deformities and importantly babies were still the same sizes.
Baby B

Baby A
They gave us a great show. Really looked like they were having a party in there. We saw hands in the air opening and closing legs flaring, waving, and great butt shots:) we are only 12 weeks so they could not tell for sure the sex of them but the ultrasound tech had a very good suspicion that they were girls. We did not say but David and I both had a secret that we some reason felt like they were girls. So we believe the technologist knew what she was talking about, I guess we will see in a few weeks.

Baby B Waving
The doctor was so pleased with there progress he said he would see us in 4 weeks instead of 2. But not to get used to the break because after that it's strictly every two weeks to make sure they keep up with each other.

I made it!! 12weeks!!

It's been 8 weeks since we found out we were pregnant, it's been 7 weeks since we discovered our double blessing and 2 weeks since we moved in to our beautiful new home! In these 8 weeks I have experienced a slew of pregnancy symptoms! I feel like I have been in a sleep coma for the last 8 weeks, keeping my eyes open for only a few hours at a time, and resting whenever I could. My wonderful husband has been cooking, cleaning, working, satisfying my cravings at odd times of the day and night, and most importantly tending to the kids. Lots of days we homeschooled right from my bed. Jacob has been preparing his own breakfast when I was so nauseous I could not get my head off the pillow. Some days that I managed to get up and get going and then paid for it the next day by spending a day in bed. Lots of symptoms that probably are not appropriate for the blog but my husband had to bring his nursing skills to the table and it's just another reason I am grateful for him.

Friday, March 8, 2013

New home!

So many changes in our life right now! Big ones! The day before we found out we were pregnant we signed a contract to move! We have been waiting for God to open a door for us. We loved our house but we were on a busy corner and just made it very difficult to play outside. We got word that one of our neighbors in our cul de sac was thinking of selling. Two great things about this got us super excited
1. It was a house away from David's sister and
2. It was in the cul de sac!
What more did we need! We followed Gods plan and with not much trouble we closed 8 weeks later. With lots of help from lots of great people we were moved in in a week! Just a few adjustments to the house and we were up and running.
So thankful God has brought us to this point in our lives.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Emily is 4!

Emily is 4 now! Wow I know every mother says it but time is truly passing by. In the last few months she has blossomed so much. Things like using bigger vocabulary, doing new chores, dressing herself and brushing her teeth. For school she is so proud of writing her own name and doing her BIG girl workbooks. There is so much I want to remember about her and this special time in our lives.....

*Her number one toy is anything related to her baby dolls.
*She dislikes breakfast and usually does like a mid morning meal instead.
*She still carries around her blankie but not near as much as she used to but it is still a bedtime must.
*She loves going to the movieater ( not a typo that is what she calls it)!
*She expects dessert after every meal ( which is not something we typically do)
*She has become an expert bike rider ( with training wheels). At our new house there is so much room for them to play and ride now, that definitely helps.
*She has become a very strong swimmer. She began swimming last summer and now that we have a pool she is jumping in, doing strokes, floating on her back, and even swimming toward the bottom.
*She still shares a room with her bubba. That may change in the near future but as of right now she will stay put.
*For school she likes puzzles, sorting, coloring, and sticker books. Loves to write her name!
* Since we moved here we don't currently have a swing set but that is on daddy's list to build because she loves to swing. She has learned to pump her legs on her own.
*She dislikes strangers A LOT! Daddy has definitely made her aware of people we don't know and so she does not speak to anyone who speaks to her in public. Kind of embarrassing for me but it's better than an out going child who may talk to anyone (just my opinion).

She makes us laugh all of the time and keeps life going a mile a minute. There is so many thing's about her big dark brown eyes that just sucks you in to her. She loves getting older you know the big girl. She is super excited about becoming a big sister to two little baby girls in September, she loves to hug and kiss the babies in my belly and she always wants to know where each one is positioned in my belly.