Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I made it!! 12weeks!!

It's been 8 weeks since we found out we were pregnant, it's been 7 weeks since we discovered our double blessing and 2 weeks since we moved in to our beautiful new home! In these 8 weeks I have experienced a slew of pregnancy symptoms! I feel like I have been in a sleep coma for the last 8 weeks, keeping my eyes open for only a few hours at a time, and resting whenever I could. My wonderful husband has been cooking, cleaning, working, satisfying my cravings at odd times of the day and night, and most importantly tending to the kids. Lots of days we homeschooled right from my bed. Jacob has been preparing his own breakfast when I was so nauseous I could not get my head off the pillow. Some days that I managed to get up and get going and then paid for it the next day by spending a day in bed. Lots of symptoms that probably are not appropriate for the blog but my husband had to bring his nursing skills to the table and it's just another reason I am grateful for him.

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