Today we had an unexpected ultrasound due to a few other complications. I am now 15 weeks so I wanted David and the kids to come along because I just knew that today would be the day we could definitely know if we had boys or girls. And sure enough after seeing the babies and hearing there heartbeats. There they were and confirmed our sweet baby GIRLS. To tell you the truth David and I had a sense from day one that they were girls, so we really were not at all surprised. Just the fact that both of us had the same visions of baby girls, I guess we would have been really surprised if they were boys. But God is definitely keeping us on our toes this time around so anything could have went!
A feature of the many adventures of the Couch family. The things we do daily to stay close as a family and live the life of a family who lives, loves, and laughs together.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
Easter "God talking to me"
This Easter was a little different from the last few for a few reasons the first was David had to work over night so he would not be with us until after church and secondly we had just made it through our first major valley of our twin pregnancy, the thought of losing them.
I am healed and feeling better Easter was my first day out of the house since the blood clot was discovered. I was a little worried about over doing it. But I love Easter Sunday and planned to go with God's help.
During the sermon I realized why I was there sitting all alone on the third row on Easter Sunday that was God's plan, he had a story for me that day.
The Sermon was on giving everything you are holding on to up to God. Those things you think you need to hold on to, to be able to control, you know that won't go through if you don't keep hold.
The sermon talked a lot about those sinful things you hold on to, worldly things. But to me it was right in front of me, this pregnancy. Why the moment I have a scare I start wondering why he is doing this, why is it going to be this way. But instead why can't we hold on to the faith and give everything else away.
Giving this pregnancy completely up to God would be the ultimate sacrifice from us but it will be nothing compared to what he has done for us this Easter. It's time to step back from all the things I have been told that can go wrong with a twin pregnancy and really start focusing on the positive the "gift" in all of this. These precious girls made in God's image and who we will raise to love there Lord God with all of there being.
Thank you Bill Driscoll for giving us the good, bad, and ugly truths and making us own up to our own faith and weaknesses. I pray this pregnancy will be different through my eyes for the rest of my months ahead and through the mountains we dance with him and through the valley's we walk hand in hand with him.
I am healed and feeling better Easter was my first day out of the house since the blood clot was discovered. I was a little worried about over doing it. But I love Easter Sunday and planned to go with God's help.
During the sermon I realized why I was there sitting all alone on the third row on Easter Sunday that was God's plan, he had a story for me that day.
The Sermon was on giving everything you are holding on to up to God. Those things you think you need to hold on to, to be able to control, you know that won't go through if you don't keep hold.
The sermon talked a lot about those sinful things you hold on to, worldly things. But to me it was right in front of me, this pregnancy. Why the moment I have a scare I start wondering why he is doing this, why is it going to be this way. But instead why can't we hold on to the faith and give everything else away.
Giving this pregnancy completely up to God would be the ultimate sacrifice from us but it will be nothing compared to what he has done for us this Easter. It's time to step back from all the things I have been told that can go wrong with a twin pregnancy and really start focusing on the positive the "gift" in all of this. These precious girls made in God's image and who we will raise to love there Lord God with all of there being.
Thank you Bill Driscoll for giving us the good, bad, and ugly truths and making us own up to our own faith and weaknesses. I pray this pregnancy will be different through my eyes for the rest of my months ahead and through the mountains we dance with him and through the valley's we walk hand in hand with him.
Week 13 in The Valley
Well this one is a week I would love to put behind me and move on without remembering. But I start to wonder maybe God gave us this experience to make me realize a few things and it happened to be the week of Easter and a sermon that spoke straight to where I was at that moment.
Thirteen weeks and two days lying in bed totally exhausted, David is rubbing my back which has been the routine lately for getting me to fall asleep easily. At 9pm kids are in bed and I feel a rush coming from my body, a feeling of my water just broke. I immediately knew something was wrong. I went in the bathroom and started yelling for David to call the doctor now, this was not good. Sitting on the bathroom floor crying out to God. Not this not now this is all to familiar event. I know many statistics say woman bleed in pregnancy but our experience so far is bleeding= miscarriage. I try not to think but to pray I can't help but to think I am too far along for this to happen naturely, I am going to have to go down the same road just last summer and I knew that we emotionally could not get pregnant again after this.
David has already called the operator and I breath a sigh of relief when she says "YES Dr. Rebenack is on call". I knew that he would do whatever we needed at that moment. Not 5 minutes later is he on the phone with us. I am now laying in bed and David hands the phone over to me so I can explain the rush I had. I clear my voice and begin to speak. He listens asks a few specific questions and asks if we can meet him at the office in 30 minutes?.
First off this is why we love him so much. He does not tell us not to worry and that he will see us first thing in the morning, he does not send us to the ER to sit and wait and pay $300 for lots of unnecessary stuff and for some strange doctor to tell us if our girls are still alive and well.
David's parents are at the house in minutes with no explanation we are out the door. There is nothing said in the car but prayers going non stop. Praying to God for his will to be our will. We are not positive they are girl's but have been told a few times. I begin praying for them by name YES we already have girl names if they are boys we are in deep trouble NO names:)
We are there a little early I keep praying David asks if I want to talk and all I could say is "I am scared". Of all times he gets on facebook ( I find out later he was reaching out to a few good prayer warriors). The doctor shows up gets us in the back door and immediately takes us to the ultrasound room. As we wait for the machine to warm up he reviews my chart and it brings him happiness to know that just the week before at the high risk doctor we had an amazing visit and everything looked picture perfect.
It was now time! I lay back he places the wand on my stomach and BAM he wakes one up and she was wiggly. My heart dropped and tears rushed I knew that was a good sign and then the other little lady wakes up and same thing dancing around. I can even see there heartbeats on my own. He spends lots of time looking and measuring, not rushing at all considering it is now 10 pm at night. After poking and proding and trying to get the girls still for heart checks. He does fine one thing a blood clot. The babies have already moved up and the blood clot is very far away from them. He measures it it is small and out of the way. That will be his diagnosis for the evening causing me to bleed like a water fall. He assures me with bed rest for the next couple of days that the bleeding should stop. I got off the table and once again another rush, he gave me time I cleaned up and then was ready to get home to lay down.
When asked why he met with us he said that he knows me and I would have stayed up all night and the best thing for this is for me to rest. He said if I needed it I could take a Benadryl to help me get to sleep. Surprisingly I felt emotionally drained and thought I would have no trouble going to sleep.
I lay in bed thanking God for one more day with our girl's and asking for help to lay low this week. Very grateful for prayers we have received throughout the night. Just one more valley that we made it through with God's help.
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