This Easter was a little different from the last few for a few reasons the first was David had to work over night so he would not be with us until after church and secondly we had just made it through our first major valley of our twin pregnancy, the thought of losing them.
I am healed and feeling better Easter was my first day out of the house since the blood clot was discovered. I was a little worried about over doing it. But I love Easter Sunday and planned to go with God's help.
During the sermon I realized why I was there sitting all alone on the third row on Easter Sunday that was God's plan, he had a story for me that day.
The Sermon was on giving everything you are holding on to up to God. Those things you think you need to hold on to, to be able to control, you know that won't go through if you don't keep hold.
The sermon talked a lot about those sinful things you hold on to, worldly things. But to me it was right in front of me, this pregnancy. Why the moment I have a scare I start wondering why he is doing this, why is it going to be this way. But instead why can't we hold on to the faith and give everything else away.
Giving this pregnancy completely up to God would be the ultimate sacrifice from us but it will be nothing compared to what he has done for us this Easter. It's time to step back from all the things I have been told that can go wrong with a twin pregnancy and really start focusing on the positive the "gift" in all of this. These precious girls made in God's image and who we will raise to love there Lord God with all of there being.
Thank you Bill Driscoll for giving us the good, bad, and ugly truths and making us own up to our own faith and weaknesses. I pray this pregnancy will be different through my eyes for the rest of my months ahead and through the mountains we dance with him and through the valley's we walk hand in hand with him.
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