Thursday, September 10, 2015

I have been away!

     Can't believe I have not posted on my blog since the girls were 20 weeks old. I could beat myself up about not posting or I could pat myself on the back for spending every waking moment caring for the 4 blessings that I fought so hard to stay alive for. I guess I should start by doing a family update and then I would love to blog about whats been going on in each child's life for the last year.
    Well here I am with 4 kids its still weird to hear me say that since we were pretty set on the first two for awhile. But I absolutely love the moments we have now as a family of 6! Sure the grocery bill has sky rocketed and the schedule is packed and life takes a lot more planning to make everything work, but we do it. David and I have noticed over the past year our relationship has grown stronger than ever. We have lots of odds stacked against us considering we have two statistically devastating marriage factors in our lives. First being a law enforcement marriage and second being parents of multiples. But the statistics can pack their bags and move on!!
   I finally feel that I am emerging from this bubble that I have been in for almost 2 yrs. Feeling that somethings were just too hard to accomplish with two babies. David is studying for his Sergeants exam which is in October, Yes, 7 months away but he needs to know the stuff inside out to make it. So the kids and I have been venturing out alone a lot. So far I have tackled the beach and zoo with everybody and had a fairly enjoyable time. I knew that for the next 7 months if I did not figure out how to get out on my own we were going to be stuck at home a lot.
    Our home school has become our extended family we do pretty much everything together and they are the ladies who have been my encouragement through these tough years. They even helped me celebrate my one year anniversary of mom of twins by going on a weekend away with me. We visited Orlando and played like kids and had a beautiful dinner together. I know that nothing lasts forever but I sure hope their friendship lasts forever.
   I have now been out of work for 2.5 years and you know I work more at home than at work. I mean I only worked there for 8 hour days and here I definitely pull 14 hour shifts and way more when someone is sick and I miss lunch every now and then. I feel it in my heart that I was made in God's image to stay at home and raise my family. It brings me the most joy to bring my husband home to a clean house, schooled kids, and a good meal. Well sometimes, David has really taken on the role of cook since the girls were born. He enjoys it and knows how hard it is to cook a meal with two cute ones under your feet. Lately he has taken the big kids under his wings and has been teaching them the ways of the kitchen. So thankful for that since his kitchen is his domain and letting the kids in definitely toke some time for him.
   I cant wait to tell you about each kid. Over the past few months a lot has been happening. Some highlights of our days are the biggest Jacob gave his life to Christ last month!! The big kids are both training for a triathlon, they are swimming once a week and running twice a week to prepare. The little girls are not so little anymore and on their way to being 2!! They are running, playing, love the trampoline, swimming, and eat a lot!!
We are blessed with health and a whole lot of love!

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