Monday, March 5, 2012

Emily Elizabeths first three years

      Emily in her first few months had a severe case of exzecma, I blame lots of sleepless nights on that you would lay in your crib and scratch at yourself it was so sad at about six months your new pediatric dermatologist finally got things under control for you and you began turning into a happy healthy baby girl.
       You fell in love with your blanket just like your brother you gave it it's own name and we have no idea where it came from you call it "bean bean". You take it everywhere and your little one will just not do you weave your fingers through it so it has holes big enough to now stick body parts through.
       You would never cry when we would take you to the church nursery you loved playing with your friends but you have started becoming a mommies girl but that's ok because your almost three and you are not going anywhere anytime soon.
      You love your baby dolls you rock and feed them and you never have too many! You have a cradle, a stroller and a bath tub for them. You are so caring and gentle when it comes to something smaller than you otherwise you are rough and tuff.

      In our homeschool co-op you have developed friends "good friends" people who understand what is important and what we want for you. You have learned your alphabet and have learned to count and now we are working on letter recognition and sounds. You learn so fast right along side with your brother. We always joke that you don't know your colors because you were not alive for that lesson yet so we will give those some extra time.
      For a while we gave you the name hurricane Lu but lately we have down graded you to a windy tropical storm. You love to run, you run everywhere, you love to dance, and you love to snuggle.
       You were born to the name Emily Elizabeth Couch but we started calling you Emilu. Then you started getting these round cheeks cute Curley blonde ringlets and expressions that could knock someone over so we now call you LuLu it is so appropriate.
     We love you are baby girl so much your kisses and neck hugs God definitely gave us what we can handle ( maybe a little more on some days) . So proud to be your mommy and daddy!

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