Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The day God brought the peacefulness

August 28th 7am
I'm awake, I'm dressed but I don't feel anything. I climb in the car with no words spoken, David takes my hand and prays for protection over me and a steady hand for the surgeon. I feel like I'm being pushed from behind like someone is dragging me as my tired body and my broken heart make way to the hospital. No I'm  not going to deliver a healthy baby, I'm going to have my precious baby removed from my safety net, my womb. I sit at registration amongst all of these other sick people, but I'm not sick I'm well with God. Tears flow as I wait to be called back to pre-op, the registration lady cannot even look me in the eyes and regretfully tells me the amount of my bill, only doing her job. We just nod. Everybody is so friendly and happy if they only knew that I was usually that way. They take me away from the only person that can possibly understand this and takes my security away.
Now I am alone. I walk down the same hall way that I use to give care to patients and now its me. They prepare me for surgery and I answer a million questions through the tear drops. Finally David is there. They ask questions that no woman should ever have to answer, no decision a woman should ever have to make. I start to feel weak, my chest starts to hurt, my head starts to pound. They promise me I won't feel a thing, but please tell my heart that!
Finally a familiar face my doctor. Explaining, reassuring, and giving us hope for our families future. They lay me back and begin to wheel me in the room. The bright lights nearly blind my already cloudy vision. I'm most thankful they have drapes over the tables, I didn't want to see any part of it. They slide me over to the table, taking my hands to show me the closeness of the edges asking me to try not to move. There is lots of commotion and then silence, peacefulness, and I was no longer on that table in that scary place. I was being blessed by God with dreams of my week before playing with my kids, reading on the balcony, Emily learning to swim, teaching our kids, playing, smiling, and laughing with them.
Then what seemed like a moment of peaceful bliss there were those lights again, but no if I just stay asleep this will all go away, I can stay in my place. There was bustling all around me. They removed the tube from my mouth but I still couldn't talk. I could hear everybody but not make them out or tell who was talking. I overheard two nurses chatting as they gave me meds and unhooked all the monitors, that there heart broke for me, that there were tears running down my cheeks and they wanted to cry every time they looked at me. I tried to speak I asked where my baby was and the nurse just said "sweetheart your baby is gone." And then I remembered, I was not in my dream I was here in the hospital and was automatically reminded of why I was there and why my heart was hurting. I began to come around a little more, they started asking questions and all I could hear was someone in the background say "could you get her husband?" Yes please why is he not here yet.
I was wheeled over to post-op where there was a familiar face Bonnie whom David had worked with in the ER at one time. She slightly remembered me, rushed to get me cleaned up and comfortable. Finally David arrived as I glanced at him with broken eyes, still coming out of Anesthesia and feeling not really there. Bonnie gave David all my instructions knowing that he would be my care taker and knowing I will be in great hands. She said I needed to stay on bed rest and take it easy a few days. She must not know me too well I don't sit still for very long, but little did I know this surgery was going to kick my energy right out the door.
Now it's just God, David, and I there is nothing anyone can do for us we must begin to heal my body and our hearts. To know that one day we will rejoice in his works and find strength in our story.
We don't know if God will bless us with another baby, but we have hope that if we walk in his will he will light our path with much rejoice.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Trusting in God

Say what you need to say......
Sitting here thinking where to begin. If you follow the Couch family you know our days are full of laughter, vacations, Christ, homeschooling, and living the life God has planned out for us. So I will begin

 To start one year ago we saw our family as complete the way God intended it to be Jacob 5 and Lu 3, life was getting well EASY. When we started to get in our comfort spot God began to work on our hearts in a very powerful way. Bringing up to each other that God was secretly speaking to us both about growing our family, something we both agreed that we were done with. When we finally opened up our hearts to possibly listen to Gods words we were scared and excited to possibly grow our family even though it was something we had buried.
On July 13th we found out that we were expecting our 3rd child I was 6 weeks pregnant and feeling it long before the test ever tested positive. Lu was well EXCITED to have a baby. She wanted to buy everything in sight for "our baby" as she called it. Jacob was just praying for a brother.
We went for our appointment and everything was great, our due date would be late March but we would have to deliver early as the doctor had explained to us before due to the babies large sizes (Jacob was 10.1 and Lu was three weeks early at 8.6). We all started to dream and plan how this new person was going to mesh with our tight knit 4 some:)
But God had a different plan......
At eight weeks pregnant we found out the baby had passed away there was no heart beat. We laid there quietly looking at the ultrasound monitor and secretly praying and cheering the baby on to start beating. We saw those sweet little arms and body and head and there it was the motionless heart. I felt the doctor frantically looking not wanting to give up on us. The one that had been there for the first miscarriage, the one who had held up our beautiful baby boy, and the one who brought our sweet baby girl into this world had to now tell us that baby #4 had passed away.
This photo was taken after a big storm right from our balcony. We see it as God's promise to always walk along with us.

He left us alone to compose ourselves to face this together to see disappointment in Davids eyes. David says now that he has two babies  it makes it harder because he knows what a joy they are. The doctor returned after what seemed forever. He began to explain our options, the baby was full grown to eight weeks and he offered to give it time but felt my body may not absorb it. He was so gentle in explaining what will happen to me and our baby and what to expect.
When we set down with the kids we explained that our baby had went to Heaven and Lu's first question was "can we get another one?" and mommy "trust in God" what they had been hearing at VBS all week. God bless our little ones they were so great understanding God's peace and how mommy was going to heal and that as a family we would "trust in God".

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Beach Trip 2012

Lots of hard work hole digging
What an amazing trip!! We had so much fun coffee and donuts on the balcony and then a little reading and school before we headed off to pick our spot on the beach. At this point school was back in session so picking our spot was pretty easy when the beach is empty!
Reading on the Balcony before our swims.

   We got to spend a week at Jacksonville Beach. Yes, you say we live in Jacksonville. But its just not the same, we wanted a chance to really enjoy and remember how awesome Gods creations are.

      Short walk right across the street and then a mad dash to the water to begin the adventure. We saw dolphins, sting rays, and horse shoe crabs, and even dissected a crab with daddy!

 Science Class in Action!

Our View

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Beach Photos 2012

Took Some time to try out our fancy camera we got at the beginning of the summer!

Jacob loved searching for shells

Emily practicing her letters in the sand

Loved this overcast sky

So happy she could officially swim!

Love this camera feature

Not really sure why but they loved the Pier

Playing Peek a bo

Having fun!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Jacobs Belt Testing August 2012

Today Jacob tested for his yellow belt in ATA Karate. He had to do multiple combinations, break a board with his hand and one with his foot. 

This is him doing his combination consisting of 6 moves

Side kick

Self control waiting to be awarded his yellow belt

They must not move and keep there eyes closed until otherwise told

Mommy got to do the honors

His tiny tiger group and Master Martinez

Daddy proud of his boy.