Thursday, May 9, 2013

Introducing Olivia Grace and Sadie Faith Couch

We have now hit the half way point! With this being our third upcoming birth, you would think I would feel fully prepared but yet I feel unprepared. There is so much unknown about a twin birth, there are so many last minute things to come about. So, what do I know....
* There is a large possibility that I may have to have a c-section. I really need to come to terms with this. Having both Jacob and Emily vaginally was the most amazing experience of my life!
* I must deliver in an OR no matter what. Which means I have to tell my mom that she can not be with us, this makes me sad.
* My babies may not be with me directly after birth.
*There is a chance of one or both may need to go to the NICU and Jacob and Emily would not be able to see them.
* The last 10 weeks of my pregnancy every doctors appointment is crucial to check for early labor and TTS (twin to twin syndrome) Where one baby starts getting more nutrition than the other.
* And most of all David and I are so anxious to meet our girls.

As you can see in the title we have given previously called baby A and baby B names. Baby A is Olivia Grace Couch and baby B is Sadie Faith Couch. David and I both like giving our children in the womb names as early as we can agree on and sharing those names so that we may pray for them and others can pray for them by name.
Every time in my life that I am beginning a new journey in life (marriage, kids, homeschooling, etc.) I like to look out for great books on those topics and read up on them. Some advice I throw out the window right after I read it, some stuff I actually try then throw it out if it does not work for us, and other great stuff I remember and share with others in my life. As for twins, there are tons of books on caring for twins in the womb but I am finding it is harder to find good info for caring for them after delivery.
So what have I found so far.....
* First thing that I found important try not to call them the twins, try to call them by name to create a one to one personality
* Let them share the same space until they begin to roll around or stand up.
* A BIG one have a way to identify them!
* Feed them at the same time
* Schedule, Schedule, Schedule... Get them on a schedule, the same schedule. When one eats feed the other, when one wakes, wake the other. I believe this will ring true. When Emily was about a year old we did our very best getting the kids on the same routine and man did it make a difference.
This journey of carrying these baby girl's in my womb is half way over but yet we have so much farther to go and the road is going to get tougher and my body has lots of growing to go. But this is such a blessing and an amazing journey for David and I and our children moments over the last year have made our faith grow so much stronger and we continue to trust in our God and have strength.

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