Six years ago we brought our first baby boy home. What an adventure it has been! From learning all the things a first time mom wishes she had known beforehand, starting homeschooling and so much more. Jacob and Lu are so different yet so alike at times. Jacob is slow to warm up but once there takes off socially (just like his daddy). He has a sensitive heart he longs for animals to be saved, loves to cuddle and have his back scratched.
Here are some special things about Jacob and his sixth year of life
* We have completed his second year of homeschooling and he loves science experiments.
* Now that his reading has taken off he loves to read books. He was never really a young book boy, too busy, but now it's like a whole new world opened up to him.
* Since we moved he has become really good friends with our neighbor Brian who is 9.
* In the morning he loves getting the biggest hottest blanket out and wrapping up in it.
* Loves to come in our bed at night and watch history channel or animal planet with daddy.
* Takes showers now instead of baths. We have had to limit the time because he loves to just stand under the water.
* Still sleeps with his blanket. But now it never really leaves his room.
* Is in such a hurry to dress and get out and play in the morning he usually forgets his underwear!!
* Likes to dive for dive sticks in our pool
* Is a green belt in karate. He has been participating now for 1 year.
* Loves to draw pictures of army trucks.
* He has just started getting paid for chores. He does laundry, trash, vacuuming, and dusting. We pay him a dollar a week, we want them to learn about money and figured he needed to have money to learn how to be wise with it.
*Loves to swim.
This year he will be blessed with two more sisters so I am excited to see him grow in this new part of our lives and step up and be the great big brother he has been to Lu.
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