Today is the day!! I hit my mark 37 weeks pregnant with our twin girls. I still remember the day we learned we were expecting twins what a God thing!
We had to arrive at the hospital at 5:30am which was fine I could not sleep anyways. Our Dr. likes to have you checked in and paperwork ready to go by 6am when he arrives. The excitement in the room was crazy. Everyone was excited to meet our sweet girls as much as we were. First the paperwork TWO of everything to sign! My Dr. who is Dr. Rebenack arrived right at 6 am. From my previous experience once things get going with me they get going fast!! He checked to make sure girls were still head down and not to my surprise I was not dilated yet ( I had started from zero before no biggie). He gave me a pill to get labor started (it's law you have to wait 4 hrs from the pill to get pitocin started. At 11 am he came and I was 2 cm dilated (I had expected a lot more). He started pitocin and we began the waiting process by 4pm I was 4cm. Oh boy this is not my normal! By 6:30 pm I was still only 5 cm. Dr. decided to ultrasound me and that's when we discovered Olivia who was baby A on the bottom had her head turned. But Dr. Rebenack ( why we love him so much) was not giving up, he is not one to call a c-section the moment he hits a rough patch. By 7pm my angel nurse arrived and had seen this before and got me in a position where Olivia had no choice but to move her head. I don't remember her name but God Bless her! By 7:45pm I was 10cm and being packed up to head to the OR to meet my girls. The staff quickly moved me on to the OR table my contractions were coming fast now and it was already time to push. With about 4 total pushes Olivia came in to the world at 8:23 pm, weighing 6.9lbs, and 20.1inches long. But my job was not through. We took a very very short break and then it was Sadie's turn. The nurses manipulated my belly to get her in the right path and a few more pushes and Sadie Faith was born at 8:42pm, weighing 6.2lbs, and 19.5 inches. The babies were completely healthy and I had did it!!
Since the babies were healthy they remained in the OR with us. The staff was so excited and the moral was so fun and encouraging. But my job still was not done I needed to deliver the placenta. my contractions had stopped so they started me on another Pitocin drip. Nurses once again pushed and pushed on my stomach (this was way more painful then the delivery). But I was just watching David with our babies oblivious as to what was going on. Then it all started it was not coming! The Dr. requested a D and C tray with suction to try to manually remove it. This was unsuccessful for the most part a little came but not enough. At this point they asked David to accompany the babies back to our room. The Dr. than requested another procedure be set up this time a D and C to scrape. By this time I was bleeding a lot. I could hear all of the monitors going off , all of my stats beeping, someone asking to hang blood, someone asking for my blood pressure. I had been in these situations before but not as the patient. The Dr was so calm going down the list of things to try while everyone else ran about the room gathering supplies and ordering more blood. I heard that my husband was outside inquiring what was going on? why is it taking so long? What felt like in an instant the Dr. called out that she is losing blood we need to do an emergency hysterectomy. Within seconds the Anaesthesiologist gave me 4 shots in my thigh and I was out. The following are posts from my husband aka his version while I was out.
9:00pm My girls are born!!!! World meet Olivia Grace and Sadie Faith. Olivia born at 2023 and weighs 6lbs 9 oz. Sadie weighs 6lbs 1 oz and born 19 minutes later at 2042. Both born by vaginal birth (no c-section) —
9:15pm I need everyone to pray. Even those who don't. They couldn't stop Christina Couch bleeding so they are giving her a blood transfusion and performing an emergency hysterectomy. Please pray for her. She is my life.
2am Doc just came in. He said Christina Couch is out of the woods. He finished her hysterectomy and gave her two units of blood due to the amount of blood loss. She is in recovery now. Pray for a speedy recovery. But it appears that the worse is over. I will update more when I know more. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. She is the light of my life and I don't know what I'd do without her.
I woke up to violently shaking and so out of it. My husband was there in recovery along with our pastor Bill. After a little while I was transferred back to our room where my mom and sister in law Sheila had stayed with the babies so David could be with me. The Dr had placed a pain pump in my incision so that I could sit up to nurse. Immediately I was brought the girls and they latched on right away this was miraculous seeing that they had been waiting five hrs for me to nurse them. I did not have the strength to hold them both at once so I spent a little time with each.
8am So just in case you were wondering what happened with Christina Couch she ended up having a great delivery with the twins. Then the problems started when she was trying to deliver her placenta. Apparently she had placenta accreta. Where her placenta attaches abnormally deep to her uterus. So when the placenta came out it caused her to hemorrhage out and to stop the bleeding and save her life. The doc had to remove her uterus. That in a nut shell was my nightmare tonight. But by the grace of God, like all bad dreams I woke up and my wife was still here.
9am Latest Update: Mommy is doing better. Still itchy all over from anesthesia and a little nauseated but feeling better every minute. She was even able to breast feed the girls twice already. The girls are incredible (just like their mother). They latched on the first time and ate good. I pray for a speedy recovery and I'm grateful for my amazing wife.
10am Latest Update; doc just left and the latest news is that Christina Couch's blood is low...for you medical people her hemoglobin is down to 6.1 for you none medicals that's pretty low. She is getting two more units of blood today to try and help her out. She is weak and gets nauseated when she sits up. We are going to be in the hospital till at least Friday. I know everyone wants to visit, but she needs her rest now. I will let you know when she's up to seeing people. Thank you for the prayers and well wishes.
Over the next few days I stayed in the hospital receiving a total of seven pints of blood.
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First time holding my sweet girl! |

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First time meeting Brother and Sister |
Sept 11th Update: So the night went okay. Olivia was kind of fussy and apparently doesn't like sleeping in the dark. Between her being fussy and the medical staff doing their job,Christina Couch got about 3 hours of sleep. On a positive note, the doc moved her up to a regular diet, so for breakfast christina got cracker barrel, chick-fil-a and starbucks. On a negative note, christina's lastest hemoglobin dropped back down to a 7.0. For the non medical peeps, regular for woman is 12.1-15. The doc believes that at her lowest Christina was about a 3. So now we do some more blood levels and maybe some more blood. The girls are eating good, sleeping okay, and pooping and peeing like it was their job, but they are soooo crazy cute so it's ok. More updates when we know more. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.
Sept 13th Latest update: pediatrician just came in and said our girls look great. She gave us the okay to go home. We will have to return on Sunday to get their bili rubin checked.Christina Couch just got her (hopefully last) units of blood and now we wait till 1330 for a blood draw to see what her levels are. Good lord willing we will get to go home this afternoon.
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We are finally home! Praise God! |
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