Tuesday, September 3, 2013

36 Weeks

     I can not believe we have made it this far. I say we because David has been home with us now, he has taken over most of the household and kid duties. As of about 34 weeks I hit a stopping point it began to be too hard to do anything including being on my feet for too long, sitting on the floor with the kids, getting up from the floor, driving, and even sitting through church has become painful.
    At our 36 week apt everything looked great! Besides babies not coming yet. They were estimated over 5lbs each now. And my MFM said they were safe to come anytime now. We also celebrated Labor Day this past Monday. We had a very busy weekend and I was feeling awful Monday morning. David suggested I take a warm bath and relax. I was having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions. They were getting very painful though. I made a decision early on that I would not go to the hospital until I was in active labor meaning 4cm and beyond. But David got worried we called the Dr and went in to get checked. My doctor was out of town and so the on call had me come in and stay the night for observation. By 2am all contractions had stopped and by 7am my Dr was back and discharged us. It was not our time to deliver.
      We headed home and I rested in bed all day and decided that I could have no more busy days I needed to take it easy.  We already had a doctors apt scheduled for that day. So around 2pm we headed in, everything looked great I was having no more contractions and he scheduled to deliver me on September 10th for a vaginal induction.
      Due to the type of twins I was carrying Mono-DI (which share one placenta) the research shows that the chance of still births rise after the 37th week, so I was being induced at exactly 37 weeks. At this point our birth plan was vaginal birth in the OR with an epidural. Hospital policy states that all twins must deliver in OR and my doctor likes to have an epidural already in place in case of emergency. Little did we know that these two things were all going to be apart of my life saving surgery to be done in a timely manner.

ONE week left!!

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